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Murder Dice - A 5e Dungeons & Dragons Podcast

May 28, 2018

This week on Murder Dice the Slayers are partly slain and partly new. After a great battle both Ichihatsu and Dres have died but the Overlord's army was defeated. Now the Slayers have to sort through the blood and guts of it all. Will Rory stop swimming with the Riverfish? Will Oliver win over Darius? Will Darius find a...

May 21, 2018

52 weeks. That's a full years worth of adventures, shenanigans, and murder. Thank you for joining us on this wonderful quest and thank you for making us want to push ourselves even further. On this episode of Murder Dice the Slayers are set to do battle with an army of orcs and their leader, The Overlord. Will Dres do...

May 14, 2018

On this episode of Murder Dice the Slayers are all over the map, literally. Rory has found is way to a new land and is looking to make a new friend. Dres and Darius are left to fend for themselves as Ichihatsu deals with Arrog the Wicked. Will Rory jump into another A-ha video? Will Dres cross the line? Will Darius...

May 7, 2018

On this episode of Murder Dice the Slayers head into the belly of the beast as they look to seek and destroy Arrog The Wicked. Darius is ready to finally lay to rest his mortal enemy. Will Dres try and Scrooge McDuck through some gold? Will Rory fall down a pit and die? Will Darius fall victim to the dragon who killed...